Boom of Ecotourism in Argentina
More and more travelers opt for eco-tourism or ecotourism, an activity to know and enjoy nature without damaging the environment.
In the last ten years, the number of visitors to national parks in Argentina has grown by more than 1 million people and plans to continue growing.
When the world thinks about nature, it will think about Argentina. The aim is for Argentina to be the Nature Reserve of the Planet, Santos said about the positioning of our destinations and the growth of the surface of protected areas.
Argentina became the third country in America to create national parks, following the steps of the United States and Canada. The 48 protected areas are conformed by: 36 National Parks, 2 Marine Protected Areas, 3 Marine Inter-jurisdictional Parks, 2 National Reserves (Pizarro and El Nogalar de los Toldos), one Natural Reserve (Formosa), one Educational Natural Reserve (Colonia Benítez), a Strict Natural Reserve (San Antonio), a Wild Nature Reserve (Island of the States) and a Natural Monument (Laguna de los Pozuelos). In addition, there are 4 species declared National Natural Monuments: the southern right whale, the huemul, the taruca and the yaguareté.
The most recently created protected areas are Yaganes National Marine Park and Burwood II Bank. The two new reserves were created in December 2018. Located in remote locations, the National Parks Association clarifies that these areas are not open to visitors like traditional parks. In contrast, the Parks of the Atlantic Patagonia (Blue Route) can be visited.