Argentina, Peru and Paraguay obtained the WTTC Safe Travels Stamp
The Safe Travels Stamp is the world's first safety and hygiene quality seal. It was released at the beginning of this year to try to restore the confidence of the travellers and thus to revive this sector that is going through the worse of its crises.
This seal allows travellers to recognize destinations that have adopted globally standardized health and hygiene protocols, and thus they can experience travel with absolute safety and confidence.
This initiative, received the endorsement of the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations (UNWTO). In addition, the protocols designed by the WTTC follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
This way the WTTC has been to the vanguard to lead the private sector in the impulse to rebuild the confidence of the global consumer and to encourage the return of safe trips.
Argentina, Paraguay and Peru, are the destinations of South America that have been added recently to the list of countries that have obtained it.
The minister of Tourism and Sports of Argentina, Matías Lammens, Minister of Foreign trade and Tourism of Peru, Rocío Barrios and the Minister of Tourism of Paraguay, Sofía Montiel de Afara, agree in which the obtaining of this seal is a recognition to the efforts and the commitment assumed by the sector, as far as the creation of measures and protocols of security and hygiene, to offer the best quality service in all the value chain and thereby assure that the consumers recover the trust and experience “safe trips” in this new normality and, this way, promote the reactivation of tourism.
So, the proud bearers of this seal, we will be waiting for you with open arms once the entry to our respective countries is enabled.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]